Projects, outcomes and methodologies.

Time-Keeping System

2021 - 2022

At CodePure, we understand that time is a valuable resource that directly translates into financial gain. Recently, a client approached us with the need for a customized Time Keeping System (TKS) to track daily activities and monitor resource allocation within their organization. Our mission was to develop a comprehensive TKS that allows staff to log their duties and link these logs to their Team Leaders (TLs). This system enables TLs to track productivity on a daily or hourly basis and provide feedback to the operations team.

The key selling point of our solution is its customisation. We tailor our TKS to meet the unique needs of each client, recognizing that no two operations departments function identically. This approach allowed us to deliver a solution perfectly suited to our client’s business.

While creating a time-keeping system is not groundbreaking, our expertise lies in consulting with businesses to understand their problems and providing bespoke, customized solutions to address their specific challenges.

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Discord Bot[s]
Subscription Verification

2022 - 2023

Discord provides a unique platform that allows server owners to assign roles and specific permissions to users, thereby controlling their access to certain text and voice channels within the server.

CodePure developed a custom Discord Bot that integrates with their WordPress E-commerce store to check active subscriptions and automatically assign the appropriate roles on Discord. This enables or restricts users’ access to specific content based on their subscription status.

Our solution offered the client a way to automate the admission process for their Discord server, streamlining the verification of users’ subscription status on their WordPress website. The bot automatically retrieves data from the E-commerce system, verifies the user’s Discord profile, and assigns the correct roles for access. This automation significantly reduced the client’s workload, allowing them to focus on other areas of business growth.